Sunday, August 30, 2009

Youth Monthly Review Meeting

So here are the plans that we have put in place today during the meeting.
In chronological order.

Event: Orphanage Visitation

Date: 13th September 2009
Event: Visit to the Kuala Lumpur Church of Christ

Venue: KL CoC building
Time: TBA(roughly 9.15 bibleclass starts)

Date: 3rd October 2009
Event: Youth Christian Fellowship (YCF) & Youth Quarterly Dinner (YQD)
Theme: Making our own pizza! Bring your friends!
Time: TBA(evening)
Person-In-Charge(PIC): Bro.Joel Kirk

Date: 23rd-25th October 2009
Event: Visit to the Malacca Church of Christ
Venue: Malacca CoC building
Details: Will be posted up soon
Person-In-Charge (PIC): Bro.Randall Chirng

There are a tonne of activities set up for the upcoming months so please do make an effort to keep these dates free (mark em' down in your calendars/diaries/handphones/PDAs/rocks.etc)
And remember to invite your friends too!
In a bid to grow closer to one another and with God.

In Christ we Serve,

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