Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Visit to Subang Jaya CoC

On the past Sunday morning a group of 14 klang youths paid a visit to the Subang Jaya CoC congregation as part of our plan to visit a different congregation once every month to encourage and to streghten intercongregational ties.

Coincidently, there was a Gospel Meeting being conducted by bro.Roger Campbell from the USA. BTW, bro.Roger will be conducting a GOSPEL MEETING at the KlangCoC at the end of this week too.
The attendance was great to the point that additional chairs had to be laid out to accomidate more people. The announcements were unusually hillarious many thanks to...
After worship ended, we hung around mixing with the subang-ians for awhile. catching up with everyone. check this! This won the BHA ( Best Haicut Award ) =P
After that, virtually the entire congregation went over to the SAME restaurant about 4 shoplots beside the church building for lunch. The food was good. The place was packed. Didn't manage to find out who paid for us, but a big THANK YOU to the person concerned, we appreciate it. =D

Here are some pictures of the event. Didn't take many. enjoy!

And One Last Thing, All The Pictures I Took Of Reuben Had A Strange Resemblance. He Looks Awesome In All Of Them! ;)
I'm so looking forward to the next months visitation!

In Christ we Serve,

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