Sunday, November 18, 2007

About Us

Just for all you people out there who want to know what we're all about!

We are the youths from the Church of Christ in Klang. Our teachings and beliefs are solely from the Bible and not any creed.

The New Testament contains the complete pattern for the Lord's church; the terms by which it is identified, the message it is to preach, the way in which it is to worship, the blueprint for its organization and the method by which one becomes a member of it. In short, in the New Testament scripture, we are given a pattern for the true church and all who are following that pattern are members of the Lord's church and children of God. The Bible speaks of only one true church; Jesus called it "my church" (Mt 16:18). We seek to be members of that one true church by adhering to the New Testament pattern. We plead for the unity of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ by a complete return to the faith, worship, and practice of the New Testament. When the New Testament is followed, it simply produces Christians -
nothing more, nothing less.

Jesus prayed that all His followers should be one and not divided into differing groups (Jn 17:20-21). All His people are members of the one church of which Jesus Himself is the only head (Eph 1:22,23). The church has no denominational name or creed, it is simply a group of New Testament Christians making up a local church or church of Christ. The church of Christ has no earthly head or headquarters. Its only head is Jesus Christ who is in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God (Col 3:1). Each congregation of Christians governs itself under the authority of Christ and His word in the New Testament, and seeks to be overseen by elders and served by deacons when there are men who meet all the qualifications laid down in the New Testament (1 Tim 3:1-3). The work of preaching and teaching is done by every member as they have the ability and by men who have given their lives to this work.

We do not claim to be the only Christians, but Christians only. We feel our plea for a return to New Testament Christianity is a valid one. If you are interested in knowing what the Bible teaches about salvation and the true church, you will find a warm and friendly welcome to any of our meetings. If you would like to know more about us, we will be happy to talk with you.

Feel free to come join us for our scheduled services. (:

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