Sunday, February 28, 2010

YCF February 2010

Last saturday, we had a YCF for the month of february.

We were supposed to start at 5pm sharp. well, that was the plan anyways.
As usual we started a bit later at about 5.20pm. We sang a few hymns followed by the lesson by bro.EngBoon on the topic of "adultery and fornication". A very taboo subject but important nonetheless. He did a very good job and the youths took a lot out of the lesson on how to conduct ourselves as to avoid putting ourselves in such a position that could cause us to be unable to resist the temptation. remember, Joseph RAN! ;P

After the lesson we had games conducted by bro.Joel. We were divided into two groups and proceeded to play Hangman. The game was fun and involving. And Joel, for your information, adulteration is actually a real word. ahhaha! according to ;


verb make poorer in quality by adding another substance.

— DERIVATIVES adulterant adjective adulteration noun.

— ORIGIN Latin adulterare ‘to corrupt’.

Sorry Joe! x)
Anyways, after the games ended, we all adjourned for our respective homes. Edified, uplifted and content.

Till next month!

In Christ we serve,

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