Monday, October 26, 2009

Youth Development Programme 2009

Here is the email i recieved from Jonathan Yang of Lim Ah Pin Church of Chirst about a month ago. Decided to post it up as the event is drawing nearer. I have taken the liberty of highlighting the relevant information for those of u too lazy to read the whole thing. :)

20th September 2009

Churches of Christ
Malaysia, Singapore

Dear brethren,

Greetings from the youth from the Church of Christ that meets at 20 Lim Ah Pin Road

Announcing: 22st Youth Development Programme (YDP) Theme: Growing Pains 21st – 24th December, 2009 Venue: Gunung Lambak Eco Resort Kluang

It is our pleasure to invite the youths in your congregation to be part of this year’s YDP. The YDP is a training program that will equip our youths with the knowledge and skills to become effective Christian leaders, Bible class teachers, personal workers, speakers, and song leaders, as we have seen happening over the years.

This year’s main activity will be a debate style approach to tackling questions and problems that youth face in their secular lives. They have been assigned 1 of 4 topics to research on before the YDP starts and will present their views and findings in a session which will be moderated by olders youths from various congregations. In this session, we are not aiming for a winner or loser of the debate, but a better understanding of the topic of the debate thereby allowing the youth to make their own decisions. Apart from the debate there will be devotions lessons, team-building games and singing.

Participation is open to all youths from 12 to 23 years of age. Both Christians and non-Christians are welcome. This year the camp will be held at Gunung Lambak Eco Resort Kluang, Johore. The participation fees will be RM180.00 – RM240.00 per soul, depending on the type of accommodation chosen, inclusive of all meals and accommodation. Please be assured that we will take into consideration brethren who might not be able to afford the costlier accommodation and places will be allocated according to need. As usual the wonderful fellowship and singing is free-of-charge.

Please encourage as many of your youths to invest in this 4-day programme that will make a difference in their lives and the positive influence that they will bring to your congregation. Get them to sign up NOW!

Brother Kay Yeow has graciously allowed myself and the youth at Lim Ah Pin Church of Christ to organize this year’s YDP to allow us to gain experience and do some work for the Lord, we hope that you will support us with your presence and encourage us with your enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s YDP.

Yours in Christ
Yang Zijie Jonathan

Below is the proposed agenda for the four days we'll be there.(Click to enlarge)

The registration list is up on the youth board in the church building. Those interested can sign up there. Please do invite your friends to come too. Encourage each other to sign up so that this year's camp will be another success. Looking forward to seeing all of you there. :)

In Christ we Serve,

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