First off, let me start by saying what a huge success the past YCF was. The turn out was great! The fellowship was precious. The activities were FUN!
The event started at around 2.30pm when the youths met in the church building. We got organized and started cleaning the air-con filters. The baptistry was miraculously clean so we were spared the extra task for that day. (=

Taking out the air-con filters isn't as easy as you might think. It is not a one-man-solo job where one person does all the work and others stand around watching. no. this required a team effort, one person had to get on a chair and attempt to remove the filters while 3 people stand behind to support him in case he falls and to provide moral support and words of encouragement. LOL. it was fun.

The initial plan was to vacuum the dust off the filters. guess what. 30++ air-con filters. 1 vacuum cleaner. haha. ingenius. so we resulted to using old tactics. plain old water.

After the filters had dried, we put them back into their original places, took a short breather...

And we were off to our next item on the agenda...

Look at all their contented faces. Aren't you sad u missed out? Join us next month! Be sure not to miss out.
Notice: This Sunday we will be visiting the Subang congregation. Come along and encourage the brethren over there. See you all there.
In Christ we Serve,
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