Monday, December 14, 2009


guess the information is sufficient...
we will be practicing singing for the year end..
if got time..we CAN (not MUST) do skit too..
Have own lunch ya?
God bless.
See u all then...


Notice to all...
Please and PLEASE-lah be at the building at 6.30 am
you got me right..
when our eyes are still shut..
when our engine belum start..
we need to be in the building edy..
Good luck people..

Remember: This does not tolerate Malaysian Great Delay ya?

From ernie by randy

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ydp Debate List

Marrying A Non-Christian (Opposition)
Ong Ee Ren
Justin Tay
Tee Ai Vee
Jaslyn Chan
Aevyn Quek

Cedric Tay
Lim Jia Chin
Lee Su Cheng
Joan Lee
Heng Jiao Faye
Tan Win Win

Social Drinking (Opposition)
Khoo Tze Wei
Khoo Tze Ren
Jyven Yu
Leow Huey Shien
Leow Huey Jean
Lim Chia Ye

Bryant Lee
Daryl Kirk
Tan Sze Yin
Khoo Yen Nee
Heng Jiao Lynn
Jaylyn Chan
Andy Ling ( Jyven's Friend)

Sean Lim
Tan Ern Shern
Ong Jae Wen
Ashley Quek
Krystle Chan
Joelyn Chan
Justin Chan

Joel Kirk
Isaac Samnas
Ong Ee Gene
Chong Yen Yen
Randall Chirng

Proposition=agree that it's a sin
Opposition= disagree that it's a sin
The youth in their respective groups are required to research on the topic given..

In Christ We Serve,
Ern Shern

PS: if you require any information or have any question please contact Bro.Ern Shern

Just incase some of you are still confused on which side is which..
Example: Motion 1: Marrying a non-Christian is a sin.
If you are on the proposition team, means you are supporting/ proposing this motion.
If you are on the opposition team, means you are opposing this motion.
I hope this helps clear up confusion on this matter. Thanks.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Youth Planning Session 2009

Dear all,

We will be having the Youth Planning Session on the 26th Dec (Sat). We will begin at 9am and should be ending around lunchtime (12.30pm+). We will be review what we have done the past year and also plan for the year(s) to come. So, do make yourselves available. Thank you.

Tze Wei

Friday, November 20, 2009

Life In Short, Is

"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
William Shakespeare

Poetry is dense stuff in my opinion.
Who knew understanding a short string of neatly-spaced, properly ordered, centre aligned sentences could be so hard?
So what if it's filled with bombastic flowery words that only people from ancient history used?
And so what if there are hidden meanings behind the text, in between the lines?
Are they not just mere words? Anyone can write them.
Why then are we moved by the words of Shakespeare when he writes this poem.
Touching as it is. Moving as it is. Meaningful as it is. What we have here is nothing new!

In the Bible, we are reminded constantly of the uncertainty of life.

" Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit";
whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.
For what is your life?
It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."
James 4:13-15

There has been an event that has taken place very close to home.
Though the details are still unclear, we know one thing is for sure; Life truly is short.
At the start of the day we could be in the pink of health, but by the end of it, we could have passed on.
Things can all go horribly wrong, horribly fast.

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
they labor in vain who build it.
Unless the Lord guards the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
-Psalms 127:1

If you do not agree with the words of Shakespeare, will u not agree to the Word of the Lord?
Life, in short, is short.
I know whom i have believeth and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto Him until that day. Amen.
People of the world often say that we should live each day as if it were the last one we had.
I disagree. I say, we should live each day as if God was watching our every move. Every choice we make in life, every decision should be the right one in God's eyes because we never know when our Maker will call us back home. And we should be ready every moment of everyday.
Sure, we are young. Average life expectancy is about 80?
We think that we have plenty of time to make things right with God.
We'll give in to temptation and sin every once in awhile thinking that God will forgive us.
It's not like we are going to die tomorrow right? Wrong.
This kind of mentality will condemn us to hell.
Make things right with God, for we could be gone in an instant. literally.
When we reach the inevitable end of our journey here on Earth, whenever that may be, sooner for some than for others, the only thing that matters is what God thinks of us.
Make things right with Him so that you can stand up on the judgment day and give an account of your life that is worthy of eternal life.
Make things right with Him so that you can say on that final day that it is well with my soul.
Make things right with Him who has sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross so that it is possible to make things right in the first place.

In God we serve,

P.S. The following is a few Bible verses to help us cope with this difficult time.
Why it happened? What to do now that it has happened?
It is a carbon copy of the verses found in a previous post that was keyed on the same note.
Thanks and God bless.

Is it right to cry? Is it right to grieve? Is it right to mourn?
In John 11.35 ; Jesus wept.
Even Jesus, the Son of God, wept over the death of his good friend Lazarus.
It is alright to cry. For even our Lord Jesus wept.
It is human nature to cry over the loss of a loved one.

But be comforted.
In 1 Thess 4:13-18
" But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep(dead), lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. "

God will bring with him, those who sleep in Jesus.

In Matt 5:4
" Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be comforted. "

Ps 116:15
" Precious in the sight of the LORD, Is the death of His saints. "

Why God called him back even while he was so young?
Isa 55:8-9
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."

We may not understand why God does what he does but we must trust that God knows what is best for us, eventhough we might not know it yet.

Be prepared

Heb 9:2727
" And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. "

Life is indeed like a vapor. We do not know when God will call us back to him. But we do know that we will all die one day. The only question is "Are we right with God?" For he will judge us all according to our actions.

2 Tim 4:1-24:1
"I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. "

Do these things so that we can say as Paul said in 2 Tim 4:7-87
" I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. "

2 Sam 12:22-23
And he said, "While the child was alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, 'Who can tell whether the LORD will be gracious to me, that the child may live?' "But now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me."

Death is not the end, but it is rather the beginning of the journey home.
John 14:1-3
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Visit To Melaka Church Of Christ

So for the Month of October we visited the Malacca Church of Christ.
We Stayed at Alvin's house for a day before Sunday worship.
There were 4 of us who went , Tiong Soon ,Yen Nee, Joan and Ern Shern.
Tiong Soon drove us there. We left klang about 12.45.
And guess what time we reached there.. 5pm.. joke of the day..
This is because Tiong Soon got lost and we ended up going to A Famosa Resort instead of the real A Famosa, and Tiong Soon's friend told him A Famosa was inside the resort.. haha
Anyways , when we reached there we met Alvin and Jessica. Then we went walking around in the Dataran Pahlawan Megamall which was very near to Kota A Famosa.

The Group of us that went =)

After that, we dropped off our stuff at alvin's house before getting ready for the youth class later on that day at 7.30

At the youth class we were joined by Jonah and Micah .
We all sang a few songs followed by a short lesson by bro.Ern Shern.
The lesson (or the recycled lesson =P) was on Joseph .

After that, the Malacca youths took us out to a late dinner at some famous place selling nice noodles and also Ais Kacang.

Mmmmm .. Yummy!!

After dinner , they took us to the Taming Sari Tower, also known as the first (i think, only) Rotating Gyro Tower in Malaysia =D

So after supper we went back to Alvin's place to have a goooooooooood nights rest.

Day 2
After waking up and getting ourselves ready, we went for breakfast first before going to the Malacca church building.
Alvin's mom took us for beef noodles.. yummy..
At church , we were split into the youth class.
Bro.Steven Loo was teaching us on Acts 20 , about Eutychus who fell asleep while Paul was preaching and he fell from the 3rd storey and died. From this lesson, we can learn from Eutychus that even though he was tired he still came to hear from Paul.
After that we proceeded to the youth session. We were pleasantly surprised when the worship was conducted in 3 languages; English ,Chinese and Malay.They were also able to pray very well in Malay. Bro. Yu Kong was the preacher for that day and his lesson was very energetic and funny as well. Did you know that the game of Hide and Seek was invented in the beginning of the Bible. Where Adam and Eve hid themselves away from God. You didn't know that did you?! =D
After That we stayed back for church lunch. We'd like to thank the brethren there who prepared the delicious food .
At around 3 we went to try the famous chicken rice ball there in Malacca.


After that we went back to Alvin's home to rest and have fellowship with each other =)

After a good amount of resting, we went to have SATAY CELUP for dinner

Yen Nee and Alvin's Mom ( Jennifer Wong )

And look at the size of that Prawn!

After that, we got out stuff and wished the youths there goodbye.. We left around 8.
To those who didn't go, too bad you missed out , but be sure to join us on our next visit!

More pictures can be found at this link

Special Thanks to
The Brethren In Malacca for their VERY kind hospitality
Jennifer Wong , Alvin and Jonathan for extending their home for us to stay.

In Christ we Serve,
Ern Shern

Monday, October 26, 2009

Youth Development Programme 2009

Here is the email i recieved from Jonathan Yang of Lim Ah Pin Church of Chirst about a month ago. Decided to post it up as the event is drawing nearer. I have taken the liberty of highlighting the relevant information for those of u too lazy to read the whole thing. :)

20th September 2009

Churches of Christ
Malaysia, Singapore

Dear brethren,

Greetings from the youth from the Church of Christ that meets at 20 Lim Ah Pin Road

Announcing: 22st Youth Development Programme (YDP) Theme: Growing Pains 21st – 24th December, 2009 Venue: Gunung Lambak Eco Resort Kluang

It is our pleasure to invite the youths in your congregation to be part of this year’s YDP. The YDP is a training program that will equip our youths with the knowledge and skills to become effective Christian leaders, Bible class teachers, personal workers, speakers, and song leaders, as we have seen happening over the years.

This year’s main activity will be a debate style approach to tackling questions and problems that youth face in their secular lives. They have been assigned 1 of 4 topics to research on before the YDP starts and will present their views and findings in a session which will be moderated by olders youths from various congregations. In this session, we are not aiming for a winner or loser of the debate, but a better understanding of the topic of the debate thereby allowing the youth to make their own decisions. Apart from the debate there will be devotions lessons, team-building games and singing.

Participation is open to all youths from 12 to 23 years of age. Both Christians and non-Christians are welcome. This year the camp will be held at Gunung Lambak Eco Resort Kluang, Johore. The participation fees will be RM180.00 – RM240.00 per soul, depending on the type of accommodation chosen, inclusive of all meals and accommodation. Please be assured that we will take into consideration brethren who might not be able to afford the costlier accommodation and places will be allocated according to need. As usual the wonderful fellowship and singing is free-of-charge.

Please encourage as many of your youths to invest in this 4-day programme that will make a difference in their lives and the positive influence that they will bring to your congregation. Get them to sign up NOW!

Brother Kay Yeow has graciously allowed myself and the youth at Lim Ah Pin Church of Christ to organize this year’s YDP to allow us to gain experience and do some work for the Lord, we hope that you will support us with your presence and encourage us with your enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s YDP.

Yours in Christ
Yang Zijie Jonathan

Below is the proposed agenda for the four days we'll be there.(Click to enlarge)

The registration list is up on the youth board in the church building. Those interested can sign up there. Please do invite your friends to come too. Encourage each other to sign up so that this year's camp will be another success. Looking forward to seeing all of you there. :)

In Christ we Serve,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Church Planning Session

On the 17th of October, Deepavali, we had our annual Church Planning Session.

A total of around 30 members were in attendance.
We began at 9.40 although we were scheduled to begin at 9. (inevitably.. we too, have succumbed to Malaysian timing)
We started the event by singing a few songs led by Bro. Richard Lim.

Then we had the opening prayer.
Followed by opening remarks by our elder, Bro. Koay Chuan Lek.

Next, our other elder, Bro. Steven Chan delivered his report on the Membership and Evangelism of the Church in Klang. He showed us many interesting statistics and spoke on the vital areas for improvement concerning our membership and evangelism. He also reminded us of our aspiration to be "A Growing and God Glorifying Church".

After that, Bro. John Quek presented his report on the Ministry of the Church and our new slogan; Involve For God.

Our beloved youth leader, Bro. Khoo Tze Wei, was also asked to give a short talk on the youths involvement in the Ministry of the Church.

Then, it was time for a short break where we got to enjoy the refreshments provided by the ladies' fellowship.

After the break, Bro. Eng Boon reported on the mission field, including the various churches planted all over the world.

Next on the agenda, Bro. Sam Tan spoke about the Sunday School Program and how to improve it in the coming year, when he and a few other families will be leaving to start the new work in Kota Kemuning.

Afterwards, we had lunch at 1.35

Members enjoying the food and the fellowship

After lunch, Bro. Rick Kirk gave a presentation on personal work. He spoke mainly on the effectiveness of the Jule Miller Film strip and how it can be used for evangelism.
We were then separated into 2 groups;

the group discussing evangelism

and the group discussing the ministry of the church

after the discussion, each gave a short presentation and then a session was conducted on which ideas to implement and how to implement them.
This session lasted until around 6.15, when we decided to end the planning session.
After the closing prayer, we stayed back to move all the tables back to Building B and arrange the chairs back to normal... well, almost normal..
Overall, it was an informing and pretty productive planning session. We hope that the new ideas will be implemented and have the desired results.
Remember that we as youths are also part of the church and we should therefore do our part to help the church achieve our goal of being a growing and God glorifying church.

In Christ We Serve,
`Krystle C.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

YCF - Pizza Making

On the night of October the 3rd..The day the Chinese celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, better known as the Mooncake festival, We had our Youth Christian Fellowship.
This time, we had our quarterly dinner too. We decided to try our hand at making Pizzas!!
Some of the youths arrived early.
Others.... well... they came later. When i mean later, i mean close to 1 and a half hours late. Yes.
The YCF was scheduled to begin at 4:30pm. We ended up starting at 6:oopm.
Btw, we were joined by 2 visitors that day. Din Shan and Julien and our brother from DU, bro Patrick!

Hah! I have proof!

But anyways, Bro Joel Kirk, one of the earlier youths, helped prepare the dough which the youths were going to use for the pizza making. He was helped out by our Bro Ern Shern, Jae Wen and his friend Din Shan.

Making the dough

Trusty slaves helpers.

The other youths, helped arrange the tables and set up the ovens.

While others.. well.. they did their own stuff.

Then came the rest of the youths and we began our meeting. There was singing before the devotion led by our very own Bro Bryant Lee.

Sorry bout the blur pic.

The devotion speaker for the day was Bro Joshua Chong. His devotion was specifically for the female youths. But im sure we all took home some knowledge from it.

After the devotion, it was time for the fun part. The pizza making.
All the youths gathered around bro Joel as he demonstrated the art of making pizzas.

Look at their curious faces. All wanting to learn. Except Bryant who isn't paying attention.

After the demonstration and the pizza tasting, the youths rolled back their sleeves, tied up their hair and immediately started work. There was a lot dough. So if someones dough get messed up while going through the process, he or she could easily get another dollop of dough to mess up. xD Some made some really adventurous pizzas and some... well... adventurous but total failure. Some used their wild imagination, while some... well.. tried to act pro and messed their dough up.

Everyone of us sure enjoyed ourselves.

Bro Randall showing us how he flattens HIS dough.

After the gruelling process of flattening, rounding and making the pizza look like pizza, we of course indulged in them and savoured every single crumb of it.

The camera man was fortunate enough to get nice macro shots of slices of pizza. And boy does those look good!~

After the making and the eating of the pizzas, we of course cleaned up. Even little Su Yen helped. How kind~ =)

After everything was cleaned, the chairs were arranged back to their rows, the ovens cleaned, the trays cleaned, the floors mopped, the tables put back where it belongs and doing the other stuff, we all sat back and relaxed. We were all stuffed with cheese, dough, tomato paste and mango juice. Boy was it a fun and satisfying night!

Would like to specially thank bro Joel for helping to make the dough and to help demonstrate the pizza making process. He also created one nice looking pizza.

And also bro Joshua for the devotion and bro Tze Wei for planning the YCF successfully.

To those who missed this wonderful night. You sure missed a lot. Be sure to attend the next YCF -Quarterly Dinner! We guarantee you will not regret.

see. She looks happy. xD

In Christ we serve,

ps. to those who want the full set of pictures, please contact me.